Everything You’ve Ever Learned

Science and technology can be redemptive forces for the world. But on the wings of transformative science and technology, we traded, among other things, a strong manufacturing base that provided secure jobs and decent livelihoods for a gig economy that doesn’t. We invested in innovation that created untold wealth, and let a tiny portion of society capture most of it. We celebrate the creative destruction of technological innovation, but a good society would be one that figures out how to use its immense financial and technological powers not just to nourish the creation but to mitigate the destruction.

Editor's Journal

  • How Good Is Science?

    Science is a political panacea. Is it a social one? If breakthrough, frontier, high-risk, translational, transformative science actually comes to pass, what sort of nation will it leave us with? A society good at science isn’t the same as a good society, one worthy of science’s promise and gifts.

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Book Reviews

  • Not So Fast

    One of the central themes of Henry T. Greely’s new book on CRISPR gene editing is that Science—the capital S signifying the scientific community as a collective—has given short shrift to those societal aspects of the political decisions that need to be made. At times, this process has seemed almost comical.

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  • We Haven’t Really Cracked the Code of Life

    When it comes to DNA, our code breaking isn’t all it’s cracked up to be: if the Allies had had the same level of expertise in actual cryptology that scientists now have with DNA, they might well have lost World War II.

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  • More and More and More Culture

    Streaming platforms have transformed how people consume culture. But could streaming change “the fundamental structure of capitalism”?

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