What’s New about the New Economy
Every issue explores cutting-edge developments in technology, medicine, education, climate change, and much more. Articles provide in-depth analyses of science and technology’s impact on public policy, the economy, and society—bringing today’s best minds to bear on tomorrow’s most critical topics.
Editor's Journal
The Info/Biotech Connection
Although wide agreement exists that information technology (IT) and biotechnology will be the primary sources of innovation for the foreseeable future, this insight seems not to have penetrated fully into federal research… Read More
From the Hill
From the Hill – Fall 2001
New limits on funding of stem cell research questioned In the wake of President Bush’s decision to allow federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, although only on the 64 stem… Read More
From Genomics and Informatics to Medical Practice
Biomedical research is being fundamentally transformed by developments in genomics and informatics, and this transformation will lead inevitably to a revolution in medical practice. Neither academic research institutions nor society at large… Read More
Archives – Fall 2001
Photo: National Academy Archives World War I Aircraft Detection Within days of U.S. entry into World War I in April 1917, the Navy requested the National Research Council’s help in developing a… Read MoreStriking a New Deal on Climate Change
Eight months after the international community’s startling failure in The Hague to agree on how to implement the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change, some 180 national delegations, along with thousands of… Read MoreU.S. Economic Growth in the Information Age
The resurgence of the U.S. economy from 1995 to 1999 outran all but the most optimistic expectations. It is not surprising that the unusual combination of more rapid growth and slower inflation… Read MoreImproving U.S.-Russian Nuclear Cooperation
Anticipating that nuclear proliferation problems might erupt from the disintegration of the Soviet Union a decade ago, the United States created a security agenda for working jointly with Russia to reduce the… Read MoreA New Approach to Managing Fisheries
Most commercial fisheries in the United States suffer from overfishing or inefficient harvesting or both. As a result, hundreds of millions of dollars in potential income is lost to the fishing industry,… Read MoreThe Skills Imperative: Talent and U.S. Competitiveness
Is there anything fundamentally “new” about the economy? With the benefit of hindsight, we know that predictions about the demise of the business cycle were premature. “New economy” booms can be busted.… Read MoreThe Advanced Technology Program: It Works
Elizabeth Downing is pursuing a dream. Her small company, 3D Technology Laboratories, which she started as a graduate student, is developing a radically new three- dimensional visualization and imaging system that may… Read MoreRepositioning the Advanced Technology Program
The Commerce Department’s Advanced Technology Program (ATP) has been the lighting rod of U.S. civilian technology policy during the past decade. Consider the program’s short but volatile budget history. ATP was initially… Read MoreFall 2001 Update
UN forges program to combat illicit trade in small arms Since the early 1990s, a global network of arms control groups, humanitarian aid agencies, United Nations (UN) bodies, and concerned governments have… Read More
Book Reviews
Public policy about, for, and because of the Internet is hot. The growth of the Internet and its uses and abuses have made it everyday news. Government attention has grown accordingly, and… Read More