Future Tense Fiction

  • Rey Velasquez Sagcal's illustration for "No Robot Like Robot" by Janelle Shane

    No Robot Like Robot

    Janelle Shane’s response essay to Annalee Newitz’s short story, “When Robot and Crow Saved East St. Louis.”


  • Rey Velasquez Sagcal's illustration for "When Robot and Crow Saved East St. Louis" by Annalee Newitz

    When Robot and Crow Saved East St. Louis

    Robot, a disease-detecting drone, has been meticulously trained to gather public health data in hard-to-reach communities—and to use that data to stymie the spread of dangerous viruses. But when the public health authorities responsible for Robot are defunded, it’s forced to assemble a new team to keep its communities safe.

  • Rey Velasquez Sagcal's illustration for "The Awareness Imperative"

    The Awareness Imperative

    Proposals to promote AI literacy have exploded. To be successful, they should focus not only on how we use technological tools, but also on how those tools change us in the process.


  • Rey Velasquez Sagcal's illustration for "Mothering the Bay"

    Mothering the Bay

    When a busy BART train suddenly screeches to a stop deep under the San Francisco Bay, passengers turn to personalized AI agents to understand what’s happened—but they begin to realize that those agents may obscure more than they illuminate.

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