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Therapy, Pseudo Experts, and the Allure of the Quick Fix: An Interview With Scott Sherman
Writer Scott Sherman discusses his December Future Tense Fiction Story, “A Healing at the Triple B Trophy Lodge,” in an interview with Mia Armstrong-Lopez.
Community and the Infrastructure of Art: An Interview With Cassidy McFadzean
Writer Cassidy McFadzean discusses her October Future Tense Fiction short story, “Patrons,” with editor Mia Armstrong-Lopez.
Technology, Memory, and Reality: An Interview With Kevin Galvin
Kevin Galvin, author of “A Time Between,” shares with editor Mia Armstrong what inspired his November Future Tense Fiction story.
AI, Creativity, and Relationships: An Interview With Monica Byrne
Monica Byrne shares what inspired her Future Tense Fiction story about what goes wrong when a celebrity decides to license his image to a hologram start-up.
Imagining Transportation Futures
Future Tense asked Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg what role imagination plays in managing a federal department as sprawling and impactful as the Department of Transportation.