Thinking About Water
thinking about water collaborative
COVID-19 can take some credit for the co-creation of this site. It felt necessary to to do something positive together in the face of this ongoing and frightening tragedy. We are a collective of ecological artists and activists who interpret, celebrate and defend water. These invited artists have experienced the effect that art can have upon ordinary perception, and how it can open us to new ways of being. They have chosen water as their subject matter or medium.
Nothing alive exists without water. Our bodies are mostly water, and our eyes are 95% water. It is no surprise that water has always called artists to it. These water journeys cover many disciplines. Through art, we can begin to think as water, rather than simply about it.
Think About Water is excited to learn about all ideas, projects, artists and organizations that align with our mission, especially under-represented and minority groups in the US and around the world.
We hope that all visitors to this site will fill out the contact form which adds you to our mailing list.