Refik Anadol Studio, "Living Archive: Nature"

Science’s Viral Misinformation

In a moment when scientists are racing to develop treatments and a vaccine for COVID-19, it’s crucial to look to the long history of once-popular treatments that have later proven ineffective or deadly. While society has moved past bloodletting and other archaic cures, the rise in misinformation and wild speculations around the pandemic has shown that we still need to address serious issues with media hype, medical research, and regulatory oversight.

Join this Future Tense conversation with Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer on Thursday, June 4, for less than an hour at 4:00 PM ET.

And be sure to read their article “Pandemic Science Out of Control” in Issues and follow the conversation online using #SocialDistancingSocials and following @FutureTenseNow.

This event is hosted by Future TenseIssues in Science and Technology, and the Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.