Refik Anadol Studio, "Living Archive: Nature"

Endless Frontier Symposium 2022

Logo for The Endless Frontier Symposium 2022

On September 22, 2022, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (National Academies), in collaboration with the Kavli Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and Issues in Science and Technology, will host the “Endless Frontier Symposium 2022: Research and Higher Education Institutions for the Next 75 Years.” This symposium is a follow up to the February 2020 symposium and will bring together experts and leaders from across the world to consider transformations needed from research and higher education institutions in the next 75 years to better address complex, global challenges like the impacts of pandemics, advancing innovation, building and nurturing capacity, and so much more. Specifically, the symposium will cover the following four topics:

  • Re-evaluating the Structure of Institutions and the Scientific Enterprise
  • The “Valleys of Death:” Addressing the Translational Gaps between Discovery and Innovation
  • Producing the Right Technical and Professional Science Workforce: Ensuring Inclusivity, Increasing Diversity, and Improving Training
  • Is the Science and Technology Enterprise Optimized to Benefit Society?

For those attending the event in person, this event will be held at the National Academy of Sciences Building at 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.

Please note that visitors must show their official COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (or a digital photo of the card) to the security staff upon entrance to National Academies facilities.

This symposium was organized by an ad-hoc planning committee under the auspices of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s US Science and Innovation Policy theme.

If you’re interested in receiving a physical copy of the Issues in Science and Technology special collection, “The Next 75 Years of Science Policy,” click here.

Register here to attend online or in person